Statistics 159/259, Spring 2021 Course Summary
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Statistics 159/259, Spring 2021 Course Summary¶
Reproducibility and the Philosophy of Science¶
the role of replication in science
“virtual witnessing” and the role(s) of scientific publishing
Obstacles to reproducibility¶
data availability
data format
data dictionary
data cleaning and munging
data pre-processing
reliance on proprietary software
breadcrumbs / description
actual code
description and what was done are often different
scripting analyses is key–but not enough
software versions, libraries, compilers, environments, hardware can matter
Obstacles to replicability¶
lack of preproducibility: what was done?
“researcher degrees of freedom”
what was considered but not tried, or tried and discarded?
choice of hypotheses, P-hacking
choice of data subsets
choice of transformations
choice of models
choice of estimators
if Bayesian, choice of prior
if frequentist, what method and why?
choice of measures of uncertainty
nonparametric / model-based / parametric / asymptotic
local / global
selective inference, P-hacking, cherry-picking, “garden of forking paths”
hypothesis tests: what is the full null? What does it have to do with reality?
“file-drawer effect”
small \(n\) studies
ignoring multiplicity & multiple testing (including selective inference)
intrinsic variability
sensitivity to “influential” observations
appropriate level of abstraction
Obstacles to good science and applied Statistics¶
confirmation bias
Foundational issues; misinterpretations of probability and uncertainty
Interpretation of probability
prior probabilities
Types of uncertainty
Epistemic and aleatory uncertainty
constraints versus priors
Bayesian and frequentist measures of uncertainty
Duality between minimax and Bayes estimation
models versus response schedules
model mania
correlation (even really strong correlation) is not causation
fit does not imply correctness
familiarity does not imply appropriateness (Fallacies do not cease to be fallacies because they become fashions. —G.K. Chesterton)
Statistical practice as superstition
ritualization of Statistics, cargo-cult science
bad incentive structure in academia
Weaponizing reproducible/open science¶
Key ideas/tools from software engineering that can help improve science¶
revision/version control
documentation, documentation, documentation
modularity and abstraction
scripted analyses and automation
unit tests, regression tests, coverage tests, continuous integration
code review
pair programming
consistency: APIs, calling signatures, object-oriented code
separating data, computation, presentation
Hypothesis testing, statistical models, sensitivity/stability¶
It’s all about the null hypothesis
null has to let you find sampling distribution of the test
if the null is not appropriate, the test is not appropriate
example: \(t\)-test for RCTs
\(P\)-values: \(\Pr \{ P \le p || H_0 \} \le p\).
Fisher and \(P\)-values
The Design of Experiments
Replicability and \(r\)-values
Multiple testing, multiplicity, multiplicity adjustments
Bonferroni’s inequality
False discovery rate (not covered)
The Neyman model for causal inference
potential outcomes
strong null and weak null
responses can be distributions
honor the randomization!
Permutation tests
nulls that imply invariance of the probability distribution under a group
has to match the real world
generating random permutations
comparison of PRNGs, algorithms for generating random integers, sampling algorithms
simulation to estimate \(P\)-values; randomized tests to find conservative \(P\)-values
permutation tests for regression, two-sample test, etc.
Randomization tests
probability distribution of statistics induced by how subjects were randomized
sometimes identical to permutation tests
Fisher’s Lady Tasting Tea (again)
blocked designs, balance
multi-center designs
“black box” clinical trial software
Goodness of fit tests
Chi-square statistic
asymptotic tests versus exact tests versus conservative tests
other tests
Intersection-union tests and stratified tests
combining information from different tests
combining functions, including Fisher’s combining function
nonparametric combination of tests
“lockstep” permutations
unrolling the loops
Fixed-\(n\) tests versus sequential tests
Wald’s sequential probability ratio test
Martingale-based tests
martingales, supermartingales, submartingales
stopping times
likelihood ratios are nonnegative martingales
Ville’s Inequality for nonnegative martingales
Wald’s SPRT as an application of Ville’s inequality
some martingales useful for inference
Models versus response schedules
Response schedules and “physics.”
common models
assumptions required to perform OLS
assumptions required for OLS to be unbiased
assumptions required to compute SE
assumptions required for \(\hat{\beta}/SE\) to have a t-distribution
linear probability models
logit and probit models
Poisson regression
MLE for Poisson regression
nonparametric tests for parametric models +
Sensitivity analysis and sensitivity auditing
Sensitivity analysis:
General technique for assessing qualitative sensitivity to:
data pre-processing
influential observations / outliers
model parametrization
values of external parameters
estimation method
Sensitivity auditing
consider / catalogue sources of uncertainty
consider how the scientific question is framed; built-in assumptions
data quality
data and model provenance
Post-Normal Science
“facts uncertain, values in dispute, stakes high, decisions urgent”
distinction between theorists’ tools and policy tools
importance of asking the right question
neonicotinoids & bees
climate change