Finite-population SPRT for Population Percentage

Example of the SPRT without replacement

This notebook develops a sequential probability ratio test for the fraction of items labeled “1” in a population of \(N\) items of which \(Np\) are labeled \(1\) and \(N(1-p)\) are labeled “0.”

This is a special case of the result derived in the notebook Wald’s Sequential Probability Ratio Test.

There is a population of \(N\) items. Item \(j\) has “value” \(a_j \in \{0, 1\}\).

Define \(p = \frac{1}{N}\sum_j a_j\) to be the population percentage.

We want to test the hypothesis \(H_0\) that \(p = p_0\) against the alternative hypothesis \(H_1\) that \(p = p_1 \), for some fixed \(p_1 > p_0\).

We will draw items sequentially, without replacement, such that the chance that item \(i\) is selected in draw \(j\), assuming it has not been selected already, is \(1/(N-j+1)\). Let \({\mathcal B_{j-1}}\) be the indices of the items selected up to and including the \(j-1\)st draw, and \({\mathcal B_0} \equiv \emptyset\).

Let \(\mathbb B_j\) denote the index of the item selected at random in the \(j\)th draw.

The chance that the first draw \({\mathbb B_1}\) gives an item with value 1, i.e., \(\Pr \{a_{\mathbb B_1} = 1\}\), is \(\frac{1}{N}\sum_b a_b\). Under \(H_0\), this chance is \(p_{01} = p_0\); under \(H_1\), this chance is \(p_{11} = p_1\).

Given the values of \(\{a_{\mathbb B_k}\}_{k=1}^i\), the conditional probability that the \(i\)th draw gives an item with value 1 is

\[\begin{equation*} \Pr \{a_{\mathbb B_i} = 1 | {\mathcal B_{i-1}} \} = \frac{ \sum_{b \notin {\mathcal B_{i-1}}} a_b}{N-i+1}. \end{equation*}\]

Under \(H_0\), this chance is

\[\begin{equation*} p_{0i} = \frac{Np_0 - \sum_{b \in {\mathcal B_{i-1}}} a_b}{N - i + 1}. \end{equation*}\]

Under \(H_1\), this chance is

\[\begin{equation*} p_{1i} = \frac{Np_1 - \sum_{b \in {\mathcal B_{i-1}}} a_b}{N - i + 1}. \end{equation*}\]

Let \(X_i\) be the indicator of the event that the \(i\)th draw gives an item with value \(1\), i.e., the indicator of the event \(a_{\mathbb B_i} = 1\). The likelihood ratio for a given sequence \(\{X_k\}_{k=1}^i\) is

\[\begin{equation*} \mbox{LR} = \frac{\prod_{k=1}^i p_{1k}^{X_k}(1-p_{1k})^{1-X_k}} {\prod_{k=1}^i p_{0k}^{X_k}(1-p_{0k})^{1-X_k}}. \end{equation*}\]

This can be simplified: \(p_{0k}\) and \(p_{1k}\) have the same denominator, \(N - k + 1\), and their numerators share a term. Define \(A(k) \equiv \sum_{b \in {\mathcal B_{k-1}}}\). Then

\[\begin{equation*} \mbox{LR} = \prod_{k=1}^i \left ( \frac{Np_1 - A(k)}{Np_0 - A(k)} \right )^{X_k} \left ( \frac{N(1-p_1) - (k-1-A(k))}{N(1-p_0) - (k-1 - A(k))} \right )^{1-X_k}. \end{equation*}\]

where the products are defined to be infinite if any denominator vanishes (or is negative).

If \(H_0\) is true, the chance that \(\mbox{LR}\) is ever greater than \(1/\alpha\) is at most \(\alpha\).

# This is the first cell with code: set up the Python environment
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math
import numpy as np
import numpy.random
import scipy as sp
import scipy.stats
# For interactive widgets
from ipywidgets import interact, interactive, fixed
import ipywidgets as widgets
from IPython.display import clear_output, display, HTML
np.random.seed(1234567890) # set seed for reproducibility
def LRFromTrials(trials, N, p0, p1):
       Finds the sequence of likelihood ratios for the hypothesis that the population 
       percentage is p1 to the hypothesis that it is p0, for sampling without replacement
       from a population of size N.
    A = np.cumsum(np.insert(trials, 0, 0)) # so that cumsum does the right thing
    terms = np.ones(N)
    for k in range(len(trials)):
        if trials[k] == 1.0:
            if (N*p0 - A[k]) > 0:
                terms[k] = np.max([N*p1 - A[k], 0])/(N*p0 - A[k])
                terms[k] = np.inf
            if (N*(1-p0) - k + 1 + A[k]) > 0:
                terms[k] = np.max([(N*(1-p1) - k + 1 + A[k]), 0])/(N*(1-p0) - k + 1 + A[k])
                terms[k] = np.inf
def plotBernoulliSPRT(N, p, p0, p1, alpha):
       Plots the progress of a one-sided SPRT for N dependent Bernoulli trials 
       in sampling without replacement from a population of size N with a 
       fraction p of items labeled "1," for testing the hypothesis that p=p0 
       against the hypothesis p=p1 at significance level alpha
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=1, sharex=True)
    trials = np.zeros(N)
    nOnes = int(math.floor(N*p))
    trials[0:nOnes] = np.ones(nOnes)
    np.random.shuffle(trials) # items are in random order

    LRs = np.nan_to_num(LRFromTrials(trials, N, p0, p1))
    logLRs = np.nan_to_num(np.log(LRs))
    LRs[LRs > 10**6] = 10**6 # avoid plot overflow
    logLRs[logLRs > 10**6] = 10**6 # avoid plot overflow
    ax[0].plot(range(N),LRs, color='b')
    ax[0].axhline(y=1/alpha, xmin=0, xmax=N, color='g', label=r'$1/\alpha$')
    ax[0].set_title('Simulation of Wald\'s SPRT for population percentage, w/o replacement')
    ax[1].plot(range(N),logLRs, color='b', linestyle='--')
    ax[1].axhline(y=math.log(1/alpha), xmin=0, xmax=N, color='g', label=r'$log(1/\alpha)$')

         N=widgets.IntSlider(min=500, max=50000, step=500, value=5000),\
         p=widgets.FloatSlider(min=0.001, max=1, step=0.01, value=.51),\
         p0=widgets.FloatSlider(min=0.001, max=1, step=0.01, value=.5),\
         p1=widgets.FloatSlider(min=0.001, max=1, step=0.01, value=.51),\
         alpha=widgets.FloatSlider(min=0.001, max=1, step=0.01, value=.05)
<function __main__.plotBernoulliSPRT(N, p, p0, p1, alpha)>

Simulate the distribution of sample sizes needed to reject

alpha = 0.05                   # significance level
reps = int(10**4)              # number of replications
tot = 150000
req = 125000
alt = 140000
actual = 130000
p, p0, p1 = [actual/tot, req/tot, alt/tot]  # need p > p0 or might never reject
N = 150000                     # population size
dist = np.zeros(reps)          # allocate space for the results

trials = np.zeros(N)
nOnes = int(math.floor(N*p))
trials[0:nOnes] = np.ones(nOnes) # trials now contains math.floor(n*p) ones

for i in np.arange(reps):
    np.random.shuffle(trials) # items are in random order
    LRs = np.array(LRFromTrials(trials, N, p0, p1)) # likelihood ratios for this realization
    dist[i] = np.argmax(LRs >= 1/alpha) # trials at which threshold is crossed
# report mean, median, and 90th percentile
print(np.mean(dist), np.percentile(dist, [50, 90]))
36.6912 [  0. 117.]