Hypothesis Testing, Combinations of Tests, and Stratified Tests
Hypothesis Testing, Combinations of Tests, and Stratified Tests¶
A scientific hypothesis is an assertion about the world, for instance “this drug increases longevity in patients with Alzheimer’s Disease,” “the outcome of the 2020 presidential election would have been different, but for fraud,” “to 6 significant digits, the gravitational constant is \(6.67430e-11 Nm^2kg^{-2}\),” “the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine is at least 90% effective for at least 6 months for all ages,” “students give female instructorss lower ratings than equally effective male instructors,” “the universe is expanding at an increasing rate,” “there is a black hole at the center of the universe,” or “female faculty job applicants are interrupted more frequently during their job talks than male applicants are.”
A statistical hypothesis is an assertion about the probability distribution \(\mathbb{P}\) of data \(X\).
Generally, statistical hypotheses are interesting only insofar as they help us evaluate scientific hypotheses. Whenever a statistical hypothesis is being tested, pay attention to the connection between that hypothesis and the scientific hypothesis it purports to represent.
Types of Statistical Hypotheses¶
A simple statistical hypothesis is an assertion that completely specifies the probability distribution of the data, e.g., \(\mathbb{P} = \mathbb{P}_0\) for some distribution \(\mathbb{P}_0\). Here are some simple hypotheses:
\(X \sim N(0,1)\) The data have a standard normal distribution.
\(X \sim U[0,1]\) The data have a standard uniform distribution.
\(X \sim N(\mu, \Sigma)\) for a given \(\mu \in \Re^n\) and positive semi-definite \(n \times n\) matrix \(\Sigma\). The data are jointly normally distributed with mean \(\mu\) and covariance matrix \(\Sigma\).
\(\{X_j\}\; \mbox{IID} \; U[0, 17]\). The components of the data are independent and identically distributed with a uniform distribution on \([0, 17]\).
\(X \sim \mbox{Binom}(n, p)\) for given values of \(n\) and \(p\). The data have a binomial distribution with parameters \(n\) and \(p\).
A composite hypothesis is an assertion that does not completely specify the distribution; it only says the distribution is in some specified set of distributions. E.g., \(\mathbb{P} \in \mathcal{P}_0\) for some set \(\mathcal{P}_0\) of distributions. Here are some composite null hypotheses:
\(X \sim N(\mu,1)\), \(\mu \in [0, 7]\) The data have a normal distribution with variance 1 and mean between 0 and 7.
\(X \sim \mbox{Binom}(n, p)\), \(p > 1/2\) (\(n\) given). The data have a binomial distribution with known parameter \(n\) and unknown parameter \(p > 1/2\).
\(\mathbb{E}X=0\) The expected value of the data is zero.
\(\mathbb{E}X \le 1/2\) The expected value of the data is at most 1/2.
The distribution \(\mathbb{P}\) of \(X\) has at most 3 modes.
\(\{X_j\}_{j=1}^n\) are exchangeable (A collection of random variables is exchangeable if their joint distribution is invariant under permuting their labels. If a collection of random variables is IID, it is also exchangeable.)
The distribution of \(X\) is spherically symmetric
The \(q\)th quantile of the probability distribution of the data is \(x\)
A common statistical question is to use data to assess whether a statistical hypothesis is true: to test the hypothesis. There is always more than one explanation for any particular set of data, so in general, it is not possible to prove that a (simple) statistical hypothesis is true. But the data might provide evidence that a hypothesis is false. This is tied to Popper’s notion that only hypotheses that can be falsified by evidence (potentially shown to be false) are scientific hypotheses.
We speak of “rejecting” a hypothesis when there is sufficiently strong evidence that the hypothesis is false. But if data do not cast doubt on a hypothesis, that is not evidence that the hypothesis is true–it is only absense of evidence that the hypothesis is false. Additional evidence might cast doubt on the hypothesis. When we speak (informally) of “accepting” a hypothesis, it means only that we did not reject it on the basis of a particular set of data, not that we have affirmative evidence that it is true.
To test a statistical hypothesis, one specifies a set \(A\) of possible data values (before examining the data). If the data fall inside that set, i.e., if \(X \in A\), the null hypothesis is not rejected; otherwise, the null hypothesis is rejected. Each (measurable) set \(A\) implicitly defines a hypothesis test. The set \(A\) is called the acceptance region for the test.
Sometimes the set \(A\) is defined explicitly, but more often it is defined implicitly in terms of a test statistic, a function of the data that does not depend on any unknown parameters.
For instance an acceptance region for testing the hypothesis that \(\{X_j\}_{j=1}^n\) are IID \(N(0,1)\) might be
In this example, the test statistic is the sample mean, and the region \(A\) is the set of all data for which the sample mean does not exceed \(c/\sqrt{n}\).
Test functions versus acceptance regions¶
Instead of working with a set \(A\), we can work with the indicator function of the set \(A\),
Then we reject the null hypothesis if \(1_A(X) = 0\) and do not reject it if \(1_A(X) = 1\).
This can be generalized by using a test function or critical function \(\phi(\cdot)\) that take values in \([0,1]\) rather than just \(\{0, 1\}\), as described below. In that case, when \(X=x\), the test rejects the null with probability \(\phi(x)\), i.e., if \(\phi(X) = 0\), the test certainly does not reject the null; if \(\phi(X) = 1\), the test certainly rejects the null; and if \(\phi(X) = q \in (0, 1)\), it rejects the null with probability \(q\). This is called a randomized test, discussed further below.
Aside on notation¶
The following all mean the same thing, namely, the probability that the random variable \(X\) takes a value in the set \(A\) if the distribution of \(X\) is \(\mathbb{P}_0\):
For expectations, we use similar notation:
and sometimes
Significance level¶
The significance level of the test \(A\) of the simple null hypothesis \(X \sim \mathbb{P}_0\) is the probability that the test rejects the null hypothesis when the null hypothesis is true:
Because the expected value of an indicator function is the probability of the set, this can be written
For a test based on the test function \(\phi: \mathcal{X} \rightarrow [0,1]\), the significance level of the simple null hypothesis \(X \sim \mathbb{P}_0\) is
Why is this expression the probability of rejecting the null when the null is true? The test rejects when \(U \ge \phi(X)\). By the law of total expectation (see Inequalities and Identities) and using the fact that \(X\) and \(U\) are independent,
The significance level of the test \(A\) of the composite null hypothesis \(H_0: X \sim \mathbb{P} \in \mathcal{P}_0\) is
That is, it is the largest probability that that the test rejects the null hypothesis when the null hypothesis is true. For a test based on a a test function \(\phi: \mathcal{X} \rightarrow [0,1]\), the significance level of the simple null hypothesis \(X \sim \mathbb{P}_0\) is
When \(\mathcal{P}_0\) contains only one distribution, the two definitions of significance level coincide.
The power of the test \(A\) against the simple hypothesis \(H_1: X \sim \mathbb{P}_1\) is
That is, the power is the chance that the test rejects the null hypothesis \(H_0\) when the alternative hypothesis \(H_1\) is true.
For a test based on a test function \(\phi\), the power is
The power of the test \(A\) against the composite alternative hypothesis \(H_1: X \sim \mathbb{P} \in \mathcal{P}_1\) is
That is, it is the smallest probability that that the test rejects the null hypothesis when the alternative hypothesis is true.
For a test based on a test function \(\phi\), the power is
When the alternative \(\mathcal{P}_1\) contains only one distribution, the two definitions coincide.
Power and significance level are the (extremal) probability of the same event–namely, rejecting the null hypothesis–but computed under different assumptions. The power is computed under the assumption that the alternative hypothesis is true; the significance level is computed under the assumption that the null hypothesis is true.
Seminal work by Jerzy Neyman (the founder of Berkeley’s Department of Statistics) and Egon Pearson showed how to find the most powerful test of a simple null hypothesis against a simple alternative hypothesis among all tests with a given significance level. They showed that the most powerful test had an acceptance region characterized by the likelihood ratio; see below.
Type I and Type II errors¶
A type I error occurs when a test rejects the null hypothesis but the null hypothesis is true. The chance of a type I error is the significance level of the test.
A type II error occurs when a test does not reject the null hypothesis the null hypothesis is false. The chance of a type II error when a particular alternative is true is 100% minus the power of the test against that alternative, i.e., \(\beta\).
Type III errors¶
There are a number of informal definitions of type III errors.
One is that a Type III error occurs when a test correctly rejects the null hypothesis “for the wrong reason.” For instance, suppose that we test the null hypothesis \(X \sim N(0, 1)\) at significance level \(\alpha = 0.05\) by defining \(A \equiv \{x: |x| \le 1.96\}\). Suppose that in reality \(X \sim N(-1, 1)\) and we observe \(X = 2\). Then we would correctly reject \(H_0\), but because \(X\) was “too big,” while it was much more likely to be “too small” since in reality the distribution of \(X\) has mean \(-1\) instead of \(0\). (If, after rejecting \(H_0\), we concluded that \(\mathbb{E}X > 0\), that directional conclusion would be wrong.)
Similarly, suppose we want to test whether the mean of some finite population is zero from a simple random sample \(X = (X_1, \ldots, X_n)\). We set \(A = \{x \in \Re^n : |\bar{x}| \le z_\alpha/\sqrt{n} \}\), where \(z_\alpha\) is the \(1-\alpha\) percentage point of the standard normal distribution. This is a significance level \(\alpha\) test of the null hypothesis that \(X \sim N(0, 1)\) from an IID sample, not of the null hypothesis that the population mean is zero from a random sample without replacement. Nonetheless, this incorrect test might correctly reject the null hypothesis.
Another informal definition is that a Type III error occurs when one gets the right answer to the wrong question. One example is testing the hypothesis \(\mathbb{E}X=0\) by testing the hypothesis \(X \sim N(0, \sigma^2)\) when there is no reason to think that \(X\) has a normal distribution. Even if the test is performed correctly, it is testing the wrong null.
In my experience, the most frequent and pernicious Type III errors involve testing a statistical hypothesis that has little or nothing to do with the scientific hypothesis (aside, perhaps, from having some words in common). Many hypothesis tests in applications have this sort of Type III error baked in. Indeed, most analyses of clinical trial data I’ve seen test a statistical null hypothesis that involves selecting subjects at random from a superpopulation–which did not occur–rather than test a statistical hypothesis based on the randomization of subjects into treatment or control–which actually did occur.
It is quite common to base \(\mathbb{P}_0\) on a statistical model that has no connection to the scientific hypothesis and how the data were generated, then to claim that rejecting \(\mathbb{P}_0\) says something about the world. That logic is flawed.
Randomized tests¶
Sometimes it is useful for a hypothesis test to depend not only on the data but also on “auxilliary” randomness, typically a \(U[0, 1]\) variable \(U\) that is independent of the data \(X\). Then the acceptance region \(A\) is a subset of the Cartesian product of the data space and \([0, 1]\). The null hypothesis is not rejected if \((X, U) \in A\); otherwise it is rejected.
Randomized tests arise in a number of situations, including tests involving discrete distributions. Randomized tests are also useful for proving theorems about tests. For instance, the Neyman-Pearson lemma shows that the most powerful test of a simple null hypothesis \(X \sim \mathbb{P}_0\) against a simple alternative hypothesis \(X \sim \mathbb{P}_1\) at significance level \(\alpha\) is a randomized test of the form:
for suitable choices of \(c\) and \(d\), where \(\mathcal{L}_j(x)\) is the likelihood of hypothesis \(j\) for data \(x\). (This assumes \(\mathbb{P}_0\) and \(\mathbb{P}_1\) are absolutely continuous with respect to each other.) For a definition of the likelihood function, see Bayesian and Frequentist Estimation and Inference.
A test based on a test function \(\phi: \mathcal{X} \rightarrow [0, 1]\) is implicitly a randomized test if \(\phi\) can have a value strictly between 0 and 1. Then, we also use an auxilliary randomness, \(U \sim U[0,1]\) and reject the null if \(U \ge \phi(X)\). This is completely equivalent to the description above, but instead of thinking in terms of a set \(A \subset \mathcal{X} \times [0, 1]\), we think of a function \(\phi: \mathcal{X} \rightarrow [0, 1]\). In both formulations, we use \(X\) and \(U\) to decide whether to reject \(H_0\).
Here are two approaches to defining \(P\)-values, in terms of families of hypothesis tests and in terms of a test statistic.
Family of tests:
Suppose you have a set of nested (monotone) hypothesis tests:
\(\{A_\alpha : \alpha \in (0, 1] \}\)
\(\mathbb{P}_0 \{ X \notin A_\alpha \} \le \alpha\) (or more generally, \(\mathbb{P} \{ X \notin A_\alpha \} \le \alpha, \; \forall \mathbb{P} \in \mathcal{P}_0\))
\(A_\alpha \subset A_\beta\) if \(\beta < \alpha\) (Can always re-define \(A_\alpha \leftarrow \cup_{\beta \ge \alpha } A_\beta\))
If we observe \(X = x\), the \(P\)-value is \(\sup \{ \alpha: x \in A_\alpha \}\).
Test statistic definition of a \(P\)-value:
If \(P = P(X)\) is a random variable whose probability distribution is dominated by the uniform distribution on \([0, 1]\) when the null hypothesis is true, then \(P\) is a \(P\)-value.
That is, \(P\) is a \(P\)-value if
You may hear someone say that a \(P\)-value is the chance that a test statistic is “as extreme or more extreme than observed.” That is not really a precise mathematical definition; moreover, not every \(P\)-value can be expressed naturally in that form and not everything of that form is a \(P\)-value.
For randomized tests expressed in terms of acceptance regions, \(P(X, U)\) is a \(P\)-value if
The \(Z\)-test¶
A \(Z\)-test tests the hypothesis that some function of the data has a standard Normal distribution, that is, the hypothesis that for some given test statistic \(f(x)\), \(f(X) \sim N(0,1)\).
What kinds of things have a standard normal distribution?
A random draw from a population that has a standard normal distribution.
The sample mean of \(n\) IID draws from a population that has a standard normal distribution, after multiplying the sample mean by \(\sqrt{n}\).
The sample mean of \(n\) IID draws from a population that has a \(N(\mu, \sigma^2)\) distribution, after subtracting \(\mu\) and multiplying by \(\sqrt{n}/\sigma\).
The \(Z\)-test is often used as an approximate test rather than an exact test.
An approximate test is one that has approximately its nominal significance level.
What kinds of things have distributions that are approximately standard normal?
Things that have a Binomial\((n, p)\) distribution, after subtracting \(np\) and dividing by \(\sqrt{np(1-p)}\), provided \(np\) and \(n(1-p)\) are not small. For instance, consider tossing a fair coin 100 times, independently. The number \(X\) of heads has a Binomial\((100, 1/2)\) distribution. The distribution of \((X-50)/5\) is approximately a standard normal. (\(np(1-p) = 100\times 1/2 \times 1/2\), so \(\sqrt{np(1-p)} = 5\).)
The sample mean of \(n\) IID draws with replacement from a finite population of numbers, after subtracting the population mean \(\mu\) and dividing by \(\sigma/\sqrt{n}\), where \(\sigma\) is the population standard deviation, provided \(n\) is sufficiently large and the population distribution is sufficiently “bell shaped.” If nothing is known about the population, it is in general impossible to know how accurate the normal approximation to the sample mean is. (The Binomial distribution is a special case where the population values are known to be 0 and 1.)
When the test statistic is only approximately normally distributed under the null hypothesis, the accuracy of the approximation matters–but is rarely addressed.
Example of an approximate \(Z\)-test with a built-in Type III error¶
There are two binary populations, \(\{x_j\}_{j=1}^n\) and \(\{y_j\}_{j=1}^m\). (A population is binary if the only possible values in the population are 0 and 1.) We are interested in whether the populations are “surprisingly different.” The null hypothesis is that the two populations were formed by selecting \(n\) items at random from the overall group of \(n+m\) items to form the first population, with the remaining \(m\) items comprising the second population.
Let \(\bar{x} \equiv \frac{1}{n} \sum_j x_j\) and \(\bar{y} \equiv \frac{1}{m} y_j\). If \(x\) and \(y\) were independent random samples with replacement from the same binary “super-population” that had a fraction \(p\) of 1s and a fraction \((1-p)\) of zeros, \(n\bar{x}\) would be a random variable with a binomial distribution with parameters \(n\) and \(p\), and \(m\bar{y}\) would be a random variable with a binomial distribution with parameters \(m\) and \(p\), and would be independent of \(n\bar{x}\).
The expected value of \(\bar{x}\) would be \(p\) and its variance would be \(p(1-p)/n\); the expected value of \(\bar{y}\) would be \(p\) and its variance would be \(p(1-p)/m\). The expected value of \(\bar{x} - \bar{y}\) would be 0, and its variance would be \(p(1-p)(1/n+1/m)\). Moreover, if \(x\) and \(y\) were random samples with replacement from the same binary super-population, \(\hat{p} = (n\bar{x} + m\bar{y})/(n+m)\) would be an unbiased estimate of \(p\), and for sufficiently large \(m\) and \(n\), the distribution of
would be approximately \(N(0,1)\). (The accuracy of the approximation would depend on \(n\), \(m\), and \(p\).)
If we define the acceptance region \(A \equiv \{ x, y: |f(x, y)| \le z_{\alpha/2}\), where \(z_\alpha\) is the \(1-\alpha\) percentage point of the standard normal distribution, we get a (two-sided) \(Z\) test at nominal significance level \(\alpha\).
But this is an approximate test of a different hypothesis: an approximate answer to a different question, a Type III error. The hypothesis test has little to do with the original hypothesis. The true significance level of the test for the original null hypothesis that the two groups are a random partition of the \(n+m\) items could be quite different from \(\alpha\).
Numerical example¶
There are two binary populations, \(\{x_j\}_{j=1}^N\) and \(\{ y_j\}_{j=1}^M\). Let \(p_x\) denote the mean of the first population and \(p_y\) the mean of the second. We wish to know whether \(p_x = p_y\).
A random sample with replacement of size \(n = 100\) will be drawn from the first list and a random sample with replacement of size \(m = 300\) will be drawn from the second list, independent of the other sample. Let \(X\) denote the sum of the numbers in the sample from the first population and let \(Y\) denote the sum of the numbers in the sample from the second population. Then \(X \sim \mbox{Binom}(n, p_x)\), \(Y \sim \mbox{Binom}(m, p_y)\), and \(X\) and \(Y\) are independent.
(An equivalent problem is that there are two coins, one with chance \(p_x\) of landing heads and one with chance \(p_y\) of landing heads. The first coin is tossed \(n\) times and the second coin is tossed \(m\) times. All \(m+n\) tosses are independent. Let \(X\) be the number of times the first coin lands heads and let \(Y\) denote the number of times the second coin lands heads.)
If \(p_x = p_y = p\), \(X+Y \sim \mbox{Binom}(n+m, p)\) and \(\hat{p} \equiv (X+Y)/(n+m)\) is an unbiased estimate of \(p\) with standard deviation \(\sqrt{p(1-p)/(m+n)} \le 1/(2 \sqrt{m+n}) = 0.025\).
Let \(\bar{X} \equiv X/n\) and \(\bar{Y} \equiv Y/m\). If \(p_x = p_y = p\) and \(p\) is not close to 0 or 1, then the distribution of \(\bar{X}\) is approximately Gaussian with mean \(p\) and standard deviation \(\sqrt{p(1-p)/n}\) and the distribution of \(\bar{Y}\) is approximately Gaussian with mean \(p\) and standard deviation \(\sqrt{p(1-p)/m}\), and \(\bar{X}\) and \(\bar{Y}\) are independent.
It follows that the distribution of \(\bar{X}-\bar{Y}\) is approximately Gaussian with mean \(p-p = 0\) and standard deviation
Thus the distribution of
is approximately the standard normal. If we use the “plug-in” estimator of \(p\), \(\hat{p}\), the distribution is also approximately normal (but the accuracy of the approximation is, in general, worse). Thus the distribution of
is approximately \(N(0,1)\) if \(p_x = p_y\).
Note that if \(p\) is close to 0 or to 1, \(\hat{p}\) could end up equal to 0 or 1, in which case the denominator will vanish (clearly underestimating the standard deviation of \(\bar{X}-\bar{Y}\)).
To perform a \(Z\) test, we pretend that the distribution of \(Z\) is exactly the standard normal. If \(p_x > p_y\), we expect \(\bar{X} > \bar{Y}\) and hence \(Z > 0\). If \(p_x < p_y\), we expect \(\bar{X} < \bar{Y}\) and hence \(Z < 0\). If we want the test to have power against both the possibility that \(p_x > p_y\) and the possibility that \(p_x < p_y\), we would design the test to reject when \(|Z|\) is large. To test at (approximate) level \(\alpha\), we would reject with \(|Z| > z_{1-\alpha/2}\), the \(1-\alpha/2\) quantile of the standard normal distribution.
# simulating the significance level of the Z-test
import math
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.stats import norm # the normal distribution
from numpy.random import default_rng, binomial # this is the Mersenne Twister; there's much to consider in picking a PRNG.
rng = default_rng(1592592021) # set the seed for reproducibility
alpha = 0.05 # significance level 5%
z_c = norm.ppf(1-alpha/2) # normal quantile, critical value for the test
p = [.01, .05, .1, .3, .4, .5, .6, .7, .9, .95, .99] # assortment of values for p
reps = int(10**6)
n = 50
m = 100
def absZ(n,m,x,y):
absolute value of the Z statistic for the difference in sample sums from two binary populations
Used in a Z test of the hypothesis that x and y are the sample sums of IID draws from binary
populations with the same (unspecified) population fraction of 1s against the alternative
hypothesis that the two population fractions differ.
When the population percentages are close to 0 or 1, the sample percentages can be 0 or 1,
in which case the estimated variance will be zero. In that situation, return -inf or inf,
as appropriate.
n : int
sample size from first population
m : int
sample size from second population
x : float
sample sum of the draws from the first population
y : float
sample sum of the draws from the second population
z : float
absolute value of the Z statistic
pHat = (x+y)/(n+m)
return (abs((x/n - y/m)/math.sqrt(pHat*(1-pHat)*(1/n + 1/m)))
if pHat*(1-pHat) > 0
else np.inf*np.sign(x/n - y/m))
# how precise should we expect the result to be?
print('max SD of alpha-hat: {}'.format((1/(2*math.sqrt(reps))))) # max SD of a binomial is 1/2
for pj in p:
reject = 0
for i in range(reps):
X = rng.binomial(n, pj) # simulate X
Y = rng.binomial(m, pj) # simulate Y. X and Y could be simulated together but the code would be less clear
reject += (1
if absZ(n,m,X,Y) > z_c
else 0)
print('p={} estimated alpha={}'.format(pj, reject/reps))
max SD of alpha-hat: 0.0005
/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ipykernel_launcher.py:52: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in double_scalars
p=0.01 estimated alpha=0.033563
p=0.05 estimated alpha=0.039816
p=0.1 estimated alpha=0.049005
p=0.3 estimated alpha=0.050683
p=0.4 estimated alpha=0.052481
p=0.5 estimated alpha=0.057022
p=0.6 estimated alpha=0.052372
p=0.7 estimated alpha=0.050798
p=0.9 estimated alpha=0.049088
p=0.95 estimated alpha=0.039562
p=0.99 estimated alpha=0.03344
As you can see, the simulation estimate of the actual significance level differs from the nominal significance level, 5%, by more than simulation variability accounts for: the test is only approximate, and the accuracy of the approximation depends on the true value of \(p\). The actual significance level is below 5% when the true \(p\) is near 0 or 1, and above 5% when the true \(p\) is near 1/2.
Now let’s look at the distribution of approximate \(P\)-values for (a one-sided version of) this test. If \(Z\) really had a standard normal distribution, then for \(z \ge 0\),
where \(\Phi\) is the standard normal CDF. Let \(x \equiv 2\Phi(z) - 1\). Then
Thus \(2\Phi(|Z|)-1\) would have a uniform distribution: it would be a \(P\)-value.
Let’s check whether that’s true.
reps = int(10**6)
n = 50
m = 100
p = 0.5 # one of the worst offenders
x = np.zeros(reps)
for i in range(reps):
X = rng.binomial(n, p) # simulate X
Y = rng.binomial(m, p) # simulate Y
x[i] = 2*norm.cdf(absZ(n,m,X,Y)) - 1
(array([136995., 89683., 86794., 82063., 78132., 139366., 60161.,
136581., 95286., 94939.]),
array([0. , 0.09999988, 0.19999976, 0.29999964, 0.39999952,
0.49999939, 0.59999927, 0.69999915, 0.79999903, 0.89999891,
<BarContainer object of 10 artists>)

y = np.linspace(0,1,num=500)
cumul = np.array([np.sum(x <= yi) for yi in y])/reps # simulated CDF
plt.plot(y, cumul)
plt.title('Simulated distribution of nominal $P$ value for $P$={}'.format(p))

The (simulated) distribution is not dominated by the uniform.
reps = int(10**6)
n = 50
m = 100
p = 0.01 # one of the worst offenders
x = np.zeros(reps)
for i in range(reps):
X = rng.binomial(n, p) # simulate X
Y = rng.binomial(m, p) # simulate Y
x[i] = 2*norm.cdf(absZ(n,m,X,Y)) - 1
/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ipykernel_launcher.py:52: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in double_scalars
(array([5.78410e+04, 1.00000e+00, 2.34340e+04, 1.13167e+05, 4.68700e+03,
2.37444e+05, 1.13710e+05, 6.48320e+04, 1.24849e+05, 3.86530e+04]),
array([0. , 0.0999593 , 0.19991861, 0.29987791, 0.39983722,
0.49979652, 0.59975583, 0.69971513, 0.79967444, 0.89963374,
<BarContainer object of 10 artists>)

y = np.linspace(0,1,num=500)
cumul = np.array([np.sum(x <= yi) for yi in y])/reps # simulated CDF
plt.plot(y, cumul)
plt.title('Simulated distribution of nominal $P$ value for $P$={}'.format(p))

Again, the (simulated) distribution is not dominated by the uniform. The nominal \(P\)-value based on treating the \(Z\)-statistic as if it had a standard normal distribution is not an actual \(P\)-value for this problem.
An exact conditional test based on invariance: permutation methods¶
We now explore a different approach that yields an exact test rather than approximate test.
Let \(N \equiv n+m\). Let \(I_1, \ldots, I_n\) be the values of the draws from the first population and \(I_{n+1}, \ldots, I_N\) be the values of the draws from the second population. Because the draws are all independent, \(\{I_j\}\) are independent random variables with a Bernoulli distribution. If \(p_x = p_y\), they are identically distributed also.
Define the random vector \(I \equiv (I_j)_{j=1}^N\). Let \(\pi\) be a permutation of \(1, 2, \ldots, N\). (That is, \(\pi = (\pi_1, \ldots, \pi_N)\) is a vector of length \(N\) in which every number between \(1\) and \(N\) appears exactly once.) Define the vector \(I_\pi \equiv (I_{\pi_j})_{j=1}^N\). This vector has the same components as \(I\), but in a different order (unless \(\pi\) is the identity permutation). Because the draws are IID, the joint probability distribution of this permutation of the draws is the same as the joint probability distribution of the original draws: the components of \(I\) are exchangeable random variables if the null hypothesis is true.
Equivalently, let \(z\) be a vector of length \(N\). Then \(\mathbb{P}_0 \{I = z \} = \mathbb{P}_0 \{I = z_\pi \}\) for all \(N!\) permutations \(\pi\). Whatever vector of values \(z\) was actually observed, if the null hypothesis is true, all permutations of those values were equally likely to have been observed instead. In turn, that implies that all \(\binom{N}{n}\) multisubsets of size \(n\) of the \(n+m\) components of \(z\) were equally likely to be the sample from the first population (with the other \(m\) values comprising the sample from the second population).
Let \(\{z\}\) denote the multiset of elements of \(x\). (See, e.g., Mathematical Foundations for the distinction between a set and a multiset.) Consider the event that \(\{I\} = \{z\}\), that is, that the multiset of observed data is equal to the multiset of elements of \(z\). Then
for all permutations \(\pi\) of \(\{1, \ldots, n+m\}\).
It follows that the sample from the first population is equally likely to be any multisubset of \(n\) of the \(n+m\) elements of the pooled sample, given the elements of the pooled sample. That is, the conditional probability distribution of the sample from the first population is like that of a simple random sample of size \(n\) from the \(N\) elements of the pooled sample, given the elements of the pooled sample.
The pooled sample in this example consists of \(G = \sum_{j=1}^N I_j\) 1s and \(N-G\) 0s. Given \(G\), the conditional distribution of the number of 1s in the sample from the first population is hypergeometric with parameters \(N=N\) (population size), \(G=G\) (number of “good” items in the population), and \(n=n\) (sample size from the population). Recall that \(X\) is the sum of the draws from the first population and \(Y\) is the sum of the draws from the second population. We have
Moreover, given \(G\), \(X\) and \(Y\) are dependent, since \(X+Y = G\).
We can base a (conditional) test of the hypothesis \(p_0 = p_1\) on the conditional hypergeometric distribution of \(X\). Because the hypergeometric is discrete, for some values of \(n\), \(m\), \(G\), and \(\alpha\) we will need a randomized test \(A=A_{\alpha;g}(\cdot, \cdot)\) to attain exactly level \(\alpha\).
What shall we use as the acceptance region? To have power against the alternative that \(p_x > p_y\) and the alternative \(p_x < p_y\), we should reject if \(X\) is “too small” or if \(X\) is “too big.” There are any number of ways we could trade off small and big. For instance, we could make the acceptance region \(A = A_{\alpha;g}(x,u)\) nearly symmetric around \(\mathbb{E}(X|G) = nG/N\). Or we could make the chance of rejecting when \(X\) is too small equal to the chance of rejecting when \(X\) is too big.
We will do something else: pick the acceptance region to include as few values in \(\{0, \ldots, n\}\) as possible. That means omitting from \(A\) the possible values of \(X\) that have the lowest (conditional) probabilities. Because the hypergeometric distribution is unimodal, this yelds a test that rejects when \(X\) is “in the tails” of the hypergeometric distribution, as desired. Let \(\mathcal{I}\) denote the smallest subset of \(\{0, \ldots, n\}\) such that
be the outcome or outcomes with largest conditional probability not included in \(\mathcal{I}\). Let
be the fraction of the probability of \(\mathcal{J}\) that needs to be added to the probability of \(\mathcal{I}\) to make the sum equal \(1-\alpha\). Define the acceptance region
Let \(U\) be a \(U[0,1]\) random variable independent of \(X\). Then
That is, \(A\) is an acceptance region for a test of the null hypothesis with conditional significance level \(\alpha\).
Conditioning on \(G\) eliminates the nuisance parameter \(p\), the fraction of ones in the two populations from which the sample was drawn: whatever \(p\) might be, and whatever the fraction of ones in the sample, every random sample of \(n\) of the \(n+m\) observations is equally likely to have been the sample from the first population, if the null hypothesis is true. See Introduction to Permutation Tests.
This test, in a slightly different form, is called Fisher’s Exact Test. It is useful for a wide range of problems, including clinical trials and A/B testing.
To visualize what’s going on, suppose \(n=m=10\) and \(G=5\). Under the null, the conditional distribution of \(X\) given \(G=5\) is hypergeometric with parameters \(N=n+m=20\), \(G=5\), and \(n=10\). The pmf of that distribution is plotted below.
from scipy.stats import hypergeom # the hypergeometric distribution
x = np.arange(0,n+1)
pmf = hypergeom.pmf(x,N,G,n)
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.vlines(x, 0, pmf, lw=4)
ax.set_ylabel('hypergeometric pmf')
print('pmf: {}'.format(list(zip(x,pmf))))

pmf: [(0, 0.016253869969040196), (1, 0.13544891640866824), (2, 0.34829721362229055), (3, 0.34829721362229055), (4, 0.13544891640866824), (5, 0.016253869969040196), (6, 0.0), (7, 0.0), (8, 0.0), (9, 0.0), (10, 0.0)]
# probability of rejecting when X \in {1, 5} to get overall level 0.05
alpha = 0.05
To construct the acceptance region for a level \(\alpha = 0.05\) test, first notice that \(\mathbb{P}_0\{X > 5 | G=5\} = 0\), so the outcomes 6, 7, …, 10 should be outside \(\mathcal{I}\).
\(\mathbb{P}_0\{X = 0 | G=5\} = \mathbb{P}_0\{X = 5 | G=5\} = 0.01625\), so if we exclude those outcomes from \(\mathcal{I}\), the chance of rejecting the null is \(2 \times 0.01625387 = 0.032508\). For the test to have level \(\alpha\), we need to reject more often: an additional \(0.017492\) of the time. If we always rejected when \(X=1\) or \(X=4\), we would reject too often, because each of those possibilities has probability \(0.13545\). If when \(X \in \{1, 4\}\) we reject with probability \(\gamma = .01749/(2\times 0.13545) = 0.06457\), the overall chance of erroneously rejecting the null will be 5%, as desired.
Unconditional tests from conditional tests¶
If you always test conditionally at level not greater than \(\alpha\), that yields a test that has unconditional level not greater than \(\alpha\).
Suppose we condition on the value of a discrete random variable, such as \(G\) in the previous example, then test at level not greater than \(\alpha\), conditional on the value of \(G\). The unconditional significance level of the test is
where the sums are over all values \(g\) that \(G\) can take.
A similar proof establishes the result when \(G\) does not have a discrete distribution.
Numerical comparison¶
We saw that the \(Z\)-test does not necessarily have its nominal level in this problem. We now implement the permutation test (a randomized version of Fisher’s exact test) for comparison.
Algorithmic considerations¶
Finding \(\mathcal{I}\) and \(\mathcal{J}\)¶
In principle, we could sort the \(n+1\) values of the pmf to find the outcomes with the largest probabilities to include in \(\mathcal{I}\), and the largest-probability outcomes not included in \(\mathcal{I}\) to be \(\mathcal{J}\) (if the test needs to be randomized to attain the desired significance level).
But the best sorting algorithms still take \(n\log n\) operations, and we don’t need a complete sort–we only need to divide the probabilities into two groups, the biggest and the rest.
However, because the hypergeomtric distribution is unimodal, the smallest probability will either be \(\mathbb{P}_0 \{X = 0\}\) or \(\mathbb{P}_0 \{X = n\}\) (or they will be equal). After removing that outcome from consideration, the second-smallest probability will be either that of the largest remaining outcome or the smallest remaining outcome, etc. This means we can identify the outcomes to include in \(\mathcal{I}\) with a number of operations that is linear in \(n\).
# simulate the significance level of the permutation test
def fisher_accept(N, G, n, alpha=0.05):
Acceptance region for randomized hypergeometric test
Find the acceptance region for a randomized, exact level alpha test of
the null hypothesis X~Hypergeometric(N, G, n). The acceptance region is
the smallest possible. (And not, for instance, symmetric.)
If a non-randomized, conservative test is desired, use the union of I and J
as the acceptance region.
N: integer
population size
G: integer
number of "good" items in the population
n: integer
sample size
alpha : float
desired significance level
I: list
observed values for which the test never rejects
J: list
observed values for which the test sometimes rejects
gamma : float
probability the test does not reject when the observed value is in J
x = np.arange(0, n+1)
I = list(x) # start with all possible outcomes, then remove some
pmf = hypergeom.pmf(x,N,G,n) # hypergeometric pmf
bottom = 0 # smallest outcome still in I
top = n # largest outcome still in I
J = [] # outcomes for which the test is randomized
p_J = 0 # probability of the outcomes for which test is randomized
p_tail = 0 # probability of outcomes not in I
while p_tail < alpha: # still need to remove outcomes from the acceptance region
pb = pmf[bottom]
pt = pmf[top]
if pb < pt: # the smaller possibility has smaller probability
J = [bottom]
p_J = pb
bottom += 1
elif pb > pt: # the larger possibility has smaller probability
J = [top]
p_J = pt
top -= 1
if bottom < top: # the two possibilities have equal probability
J = [bottom, top]
p_J = pb+pt
bottom += 1
top -= 1
else: # there is only one possibility left
J = [bottom]
p_J = pb
bottom +=1
p_tail += p_J
for j in J:
gamma = (p_tail-alpha)/p_J # probability of accepting H_0 when X in J to get
# exact level alpha
return I, J, gamma
def apply_test(A, x, U):
Apply a randomized test A to data x using auxiliary uniform randomness U
A: triple
first element is a list or set, the values of x for which the test never rejects
second element is a list or set, the values of x for which the test sometimes rejects
third element is a float in [0, 1], the probability of rejecting when x is in the second element
x: number-like
observed data
U: float in [0, 1]
observed value of an independent U[0,1] random variable
reject: Boolean
True if the test rejects
assert 0 <= A[2] < 1, 'probability out of range:{}'.format(A[2])
assert 0 <= U <= 1, 'uniform variable out of range:{}'.format(U)
return not(x in A[0] or (x in A[1] and U <= A[2]))
# Exercise: write unit tests of the two functions.
# set up the simulations
alpha = 0.05 # significance level 5%
p = [.01, .05, .1, .3, .4, .5, .6, .7, .9, .95, .99] # assortment of values for p
reps = int(10**6)
n = 50
m = 100
N = n+m
# how precise should we expect the result to be?
print('max SD of p-hat: {}'.format((1/(2*math.sqrt(reps))))) # max SD of a binomial is 1/2
max SD of p-hat: 0.0005
# brute force: re-compute the test for each replication
for pj in p:
reject = 0
for i in range(reps):
X = rng.binomial(n, pj) # simulate X
Y = rng.binomial(m, pj) # simulate Y
A = fisher_accept(N, X+Y, n, alpha=alpha)
reject += (1 if apply_test(A, X, rng.uniform())
else 0)
print('p={} estimated alpha={}'.format(pj, reject/reps))
p=0.01 estimated alpha=0.05001
p=0.05 estimated alpha=0.049823
p=0.1 estimated alpha=0.050227
p=0.3 estimated alpha=0.049927
p=0.4 estimated alpha=0.050298
p=0.5 estimated alpha=0.049955
p=0.6 estimated alpha=0.049959
p=0.7 estimated alpha=0.049856
p=0.9 estimated alpha=0.049854
p=0.95 estimated alpha=0.050085
p=0.99 estimated alpha=0.049817
CPU times: user 47min 31s, sys: 15.4 s, total: 47min 46s
Wall time: 47min 56s
This test has true significance level equal to its nominal significance level: it is an exact test rather than an approximate test.
Randomized tests have some drawbacks in practice. For instance, it would be hard to explain to a consulting client or a judge that for a given set of data, the test you propose to use sometimes rejects the null hypothesis and sometimes does not, depending on a random factor (\(U\)) that has nothing to do with the data or the experiment.
In such situations, it might make sense to use a conservative test rather than an exact randomized test. A conservative test is one for which the chance of a Type I error is not greater than \(\alpha\). In the previous example, if the test rejects only when the test
Algorithmic considerations¶
The previous simulation is slow, in part because it finds the conditional acceptance region
times for each pj in p
But there are relatively few possible acceptance regions, one for each possible value of \(G\), i.e., \(n+m+1\).
What happens if we pre-compute the acceptance regions for all possible values of \(G\), and look them up as needed?
# Smarter approach: pre-compute the tests. There are only n+m+1 possible tests, far fewer than reps
# Include the "cost" of precomputing the tests in the comparison.
AA = []
for j in range(N+1):
AA.append(fisher_accept(N, j, n, alpha=alpha))
for pj in p:
reject = 0
for i in range(reps):
X = rng.binomial(n, pj) # simulate X
Y = rng.binomial(m, pj) # simulate Y
reject += (1
if apply_test(AA[X+Y], X, rng.uniform())
else 0)
print('p={} estimated alpha={}'.format(pj, reject/reps))
p=0.01 estimated alpha=0.050358
p=0.05 estimated alpha=0.050045
p=0.1 estimated alpha=0.049983
p=0.3 estimated alpha=0.050171
p=0.4 estimated alpha=0.05002
p=0.5 estimated alpha=0.049699
p=0.6 estimated alpha=0.049793
p=0.7 estimated alpha=0.049458
p=0.9 estimated alpha=0.049673
p=0.95 estimated alpha=0.050049
p=0.99 estimated alpha=0.050015
CPU times: user 1min 17s, sys: 295 ms, total: 1min 18s
Wall time: 1min 18s
This easy change speeds up the simulation by a factor of more than 40.
Alternatively, we can use the functools
library to automatically cache the acceptance regions as they are computed.
Here’s the acceptance region function with the @lru_cache
from functools import lru_cache
@lru_cache(maxsize=None) # decorate the function to cache the results of calls to the function
def fisher_accept(N, G, n, alpha=0.05):
Acceptance region for randomized hypergeometric test
Find the acceptance region for a randomized, exact level alpha test of
the null hypothesis X~Hypergeometric(N, G, n). The acceptance region is
the smallest possible. (And not, for instance, symmetric.)
If a non-randomized, conservative test is desired, use the union of I and J as
the acceptance region.
N: integer
population size
G: integer
number of "good" items in the population
n: integer
sample size
alpha : float
desired significance level
I: list
values for which the test never rejects
J: list
values for which the test sometimes rejects
gamma : float
probability the test does not reject when the value is in J
x = np.arange(0, n+1) # all possible values of X
I = list(x) # start with all possible outcomes, then remove some
pmf = hypergeom.pmf(x,N,G,n) # hypergeometric pmf
bottom = 0 # smallest outcome still in I
top = n # largest outcome still in I
J = [] # outcome for which the test is randomized
p_J = 0 # probability of the randomized outcome
p_tail = 0 # probability of outcomes excluded from I
while p_tail < alpha: # still need to remove outcomes from the acceptance region
pb = pmf[bottom]
pt = pmf[top]
if pb < pt: # the lower possibility has smaller probability
J = [bottom]
p_J = pb
bottom += 1
elif pb > pt: # the upper possibility has smaller probability
J = [top]
p_J = pt
top -= 1
if bottom < top: # the two possibilities have equal probability
J = [bottom, top]
p_J = pb+pt
bottom += 1
top -= 1
else: # there is only one possibility left
J = [bottom]
p_J = pb
bottom +=1
p_tail += p_J
for j in J:
gamma = (p_tail-alpha)/p_J # probability of accepting H_0 when X in J to get exact level alpha
return I, J, gamma
# re-run the original "brute-force" code but with function caching
for pj in p:
reject = 0
for i in range(reps):
X = rng.binomial(n, pj) # simulate X
Y = rng.binomial(m, pj) # simulate Y
A = fisher_accept(N, X+Y, n, alpha=alpha)
reject += (1 if apply_test(A, X, rng.uniform())
else 0)
print('p={} estimated alpha={}'.format(pj, reject/reps))
p=0.01 estimated alpha=0.050092
p=0.05 estimated alpha=0.050045
p=0.1 estimated alpha=0.049978
p=0.3 estimated alpha=0.050282
p=0.4 estimated alpha=0.050424
p=0.5 estimated alpha=0.049985
p=0.6 estimated alpha=0.050117
p=0.7 estimated alpha=0.049918
p=0.9 estimated alpha=0.049929
p=0.95 estimated alpha=0.050044
p=0.99 estimated alpha=0.0501
CPU times: user 1min 21s, sys: 329 ms, total: 1min 21s
Wall time: 1min 22s
Again, this speeds up the simulation by a factor of more than 40, with even less coding effort.
# Exercise: How would you find a $P$-value for this test?
Intersection-Union Hypotheses¶
In many situations, a null hypothesis of interest is the intersection of simpler hypotheses. For instance, the hypothesis that a university does not discriminate in its graduate admissions might be represented as
(does not discriminate in arts and humanities) \(\cap\) (does not discriminate in sciences) \(\cap\) (does not discriminate in engineering) \(\cap\) (does not discriminate in professional schools).
In this example, the alternative hypothesis is a union, viz.,
(discriminates in arts and humanities) \(\cup\) (discriminates in sciences) \(\cup\) (discriminates in engineering) \(\cup\) (discriminates in professional schools).
Framing a test this way leads to an intersection-union test. The null hypothesis is the intersection
and the alternative is the union
There can be good reasons for representating a null hypothesis as such an intersection. In the example just mentioned, the applicant pool might be quite different across disciplines, making it hard to judge at the aggregate level whether there is discrimination, while testing within each discipline is more straightforward (that is, Simpson’s Paradox can be an issue).
Hypotheses about multivariate distributions can sometimes be expressed as the intersection of hypotheses about each dimension separately. For instance, the hypothesis that a \(J\)-dimensional distribution has zero mean could be represented as
(1st component has zero mean) \(\cap\) (2nd component has zero mean) \(\cap\) \(\cdots\) \(\cap\) (\(J\)th component has zero mean)
The alternative is again a union:
(1st component has nonzero mean) \(\cup\) (2nd component has nonzero mean) \(\cup\) \(\cdots\) \(\cup\) (\(J\)th component has nonzero mean)
Combinations of experiments and stratified experiments¶
The same kind of issue arises when combining information from different experiments. For instance, imagine testing whether a drug is effective. We might have several randomized, controlled trials in different places, or a large experiment involving a number of centers, each of which performs its own randomization (i.e., the randomization is stratified).
How can we combine the information from the separate (independent) experiments to test the null hypothesis that the drug is ineffective?
Again, the overall null hypothesis is “the drug doesn’t help,” which can be written as an intersection of hypotheses
(drug doesn’t help in experiment 1) \(\cap\) (drug doesn’t help in experiment 2) \(\cap\) \(\cdots\) \(\cap\) (drug doesn’t help in experiment \(J\)),
and the alternative can be written as
(drug helps in experiment 1) \(\cup\) (drug helps in experiment 2) \(\cup\) \(\cdots\) \(\cup\) (drug helps in experiment \(J\)),
a union.
Combining evidence¶
Suppose we have a test of each “partial” null hypothesis \(H_{0j}\). Clearly, if the \(P\)-value for one of those tests is sufficiently small, that’s evidence that the overall null \(H_0\) is false.
But suppose none of the individual \(P\)-values is small, but many are “not large.” Is there a way to combine them to get sronger evidence about \(H_0\)?
Combining functions¶
Let \(\lambda\) be a \(J\)-vector of statistics such that the distribution of \(\lambda_j\) if hypothesis \(H_{0j}\) is true is known. We assume that smaller values of \(\lambda_j\) are stronger evidence against \(H_{0j}\). For instance, \(\lambda_j\) might be the \(P\)-value of \(H_{0j}\) for some test.
Consider a function
with the properties:
\(\phi\) is non-increasing in every argument, i.e., \(\phi( \ldots, \lambda_j, \ldots) \ge \phi(( \ldots, \lambda_j', \ldots)\) if \(\lambda_j \le \lambda_j'\), \(j = 1, \ldots, J\).
\(\phi\) attains its maximum if any of its arguments equals 0.
\(\phi\) attains its minimum if all of its arguments equal 1.
for all \(\alpha > 0\), there exist finite functions \(\phi_-(\alpha)\), \(\phi_+(\alpha)\) such that if every partial null hypothesis \(\{H_{0j}\}\) is true,
and \([\phi_-(\alpha), \phi_+(\alpha)] \subset [\phi_-(\alpha'), \phi_+(\alpha')]\) if \(\alpha \ge \alpha'\).
Then we can use \(\phi(\lambda)\) as the basis of a test of \(H_0 = \cap_{j=1}^J H_{0j}\).
Fisher’s combining function¶
Liptak’s combining function¶
where \(\Phi^{-1}\) is the inverse standard normal CDF.
Tippet’s combining function¶
Direct combination of test statistics¶
where \(\{ f_j \}\) are suitable decreasing functions. For instance, if \(\lambda_j\) is the \(P\)-value for \(H_{0j}\) corresponding to some test statistic \(T_j\) for which larger values are stronger evidence against \(H_{0j}\), we could use \(\phi_D = \sum_j T_j\).
Fisher’s combining function for independent \(P\)-values¶
Suppose \(H_0\) is true, that \(\lambda_j\) is the \(P\)-value of \(H_{0j}\) for some pre-specified test, that the distribution of \(\lambda_j\) is continuous under \(H_{0j}\), and that \(\{ \lambda_j \}\) are independent if \(H_0\) is true.
Then, if \(H_0\) is true, \(\{ \lambda_j \}\) are IID \(U[0,1]\).
Under \(H_{0j}\), the distribution of \(-\ln \lambda_j\) is exponential(1):
The distribution of 2 times an exponential is \(\chi_2^2\): the pdf of a chi-square with \(k\) degrees of freedom is
For \(k=2\), this simplifies to \(e^{-x/2}/2\), the exponential density scaled by a factor of 2.
Thus, under \(H_0\), \(\phi_F(\lambda)\) is the sum of \(J\) independent \(\chi_2^2\) random variables. The distribution of a sum of independent chi-square random variables is a chi-square random variable with degrees of freedom equal to the sum of the degrees of freedom of the variables that were added.
Hence, under \(H_0\),
the chi-square distribution with \(2n\) degrees of freedom.
Let \(\chi_{k}^2(\alpha)\) denote the \(1-\alpha\) quantile of the chi-square distribution with \(k\) degrees of freedom. If we reject \(H_0\) when
that yields a significance level \(\alpha\) test of \(H_0\).
## Simulate distribution of Fisher's combining function when all nulls are true
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math
import numpy as np
from numpy.polynomial import polynomial as P
import scipy as sp
from scipy.stats import chi2, binom
from ipywidgets import interact, interactive, fixed
import ipywidgets as widgets
from IPython.display import clear_output, display, HTML
def plot_fisher_null(n=5, reps=10000):
U = sp.stats.uniform.rvs(size=[reps,n])
vals = np.apply_along_axis(lambda x: -2*np.sum(np.log(x)), 1, U)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
ax.hist(vals, bins=max(int(reps/40), 5), density=True, label="simulation")
mxv = max(vals)
grid = np.linspace(0, mxv, 200)
ax.plot(grid, chi2.pdf(grid, df=2*n), 'r-', lw=3, label='chi-square pdf, df='+str(2*n))
interact(plot_fisher_null, n=widgets.IntSlider(min=1, max=200, step=1, value=5) )
<function __main__.plot_fisher_null(n=5, reps=10000)>
When \(P\)-values have atoms¶
A real random variable \(X\) is first-order stochastically larger than a real random variable \(Y\) if for all \(x \in \Re\),
with strict inequality for some \(x \in \Re\).
Suppose \(\{\lambda_j \}\) for \(\{ H_{0j}\}\) satisfy
This takes into account the possibility that \(\lambda_j\) does not have a continuous distribution under \(H_{0j}\), ensuring that \(\lambda_j\) is still a conservative \(P\)-value.
Since \(\ln\) is monotone, it follows that for all \(x \in \Re\)
That is, if \(\lambda_j\) does not have a continuous distribution, the a \(\chi_2^2\) variable is stochastically larger than the distribution of \(-2\ln \lambda_j\).
It turns out that \(X\) is stochastically larger than \(Y\) if and only if there is some probability space on which there exist two random variables, \(\tilde{X}\) and \(\tilde{Y}\) such that \(\tilde{X} \sim X\), \(\tilde{Y} \sim Y\), and \(\Pr \{\tilde{X} \ge \tilde{Y} \} = 1\). (See, e.g., Grimmett and Stirzaker,Probability and Random Processes, 3rd edition, Theorem 4.12.3.)
Let \(\{X_j\}_{j=1}^n\) be IID \(\chi_2^2\) random variables, and let \(Y_j \equiv - 2 \ln \lambda_j\), \(j=1, \ldots, J\).
Then there is some probability space for which we can define \(\{\tilde{Y_j}\}\) and \(\{\tilde{X_j}\}\) such that
\((\tilde{Y_j})\) has the same joint distribution as \((Y_j)\)
\((\tilde{X_j})\) has the same joint distribution as \((X_j)\)
\(\tilde{X_j} \ge \tilde{Y_j}\) for all \(j\) with probability one.
\(\sum_j \tilde{Y_j}\) has the same distribution as \(\sum_j Y_j = -2 \sum_j \ln \lambda_j\),
\(\sum_j \tilde{X_j}\) has the same distribution as \(\sum_j X_j\) (namely, chi-square with \(2J\) degrees of freedom),
\(\sum_j \tilde X_j \ge \sum_j \tilde{Y_j}\).
That is,
Thus, we still get a conservative hypothesis test if one or more of the \(p\)-values for the partial tests have atoms under their respective null hypotheses \(\{H_{0j}\}\).
Estimating \(P\)-values by simulation¶
Suppose that if the null hypothesis is true, the probability distribution of the data is invariant under some group \(\mathcal{G}\), for instance, the reflection group or the symmetric (i.e., permutation) group.
For any pre-specified test statistic \(T\), we can estimate a \(P\)-value by generating uniformly distributed random elements of the orbit of the data under the action of the group (see Mathematical Fundations if these notions are unfamiliar).
Suppose we generate \(n\) random elements of the orbit. Let \(x_0\) denote the original data; let \(\{\pi_k\}_{k=1}^K\) denote IID random elements of \(\mathcal{G}\) and \(x_k = \pi_k(x_0)\), \(k=1, \ldots, K\) denote \(K\) random elements of the orbit of \(x_0\) under \(\mathcal{G}\).
An unbiased estimate of the \(P\)-value (assuming that the random elements are generated uniformly at random–see Algorithms for Pseudo-Random Sampling for a caveats), is
Once \(x_0\) is known, the events \(\{T(\pi_j(x_0)) \ge T(x_0)\}\) are IID with probability \(P\) of occurring, and \(\hat{P}\) is an unbiased estimate of \(P\).
Another estimate of \(P\) that can also be interpreted as an exact \(P\)-value for a randomized test (as discussed below), is
where \(\pi_0\) is the identity permutation.
The reasoning behind this choice is that, if the null hypothesis is true, the original data are one of the equally likely elements of the orbit of the data–exactly as likely as the elements generated from it. Thus there are really \(K+1\) values that are equally likely if the null is true, rather than \(K\): nature provided one more random permutation, the original data. The estimate \(\hat{P}'\) is never smaller than \(1/(K+1)\). Some practitioners like this because it never estimates the \(P\)-value to be zero. There are other reasons for preferring it, discussed below.
The estimate \(\hat{P}'\) of \(P\) is generally biased, however, since \(\hat{P}\) is unbiased and
Accounting for simulation error in stratum-wise \(P\)-values¶
Suppose that the \(P\)-value \(\lambda_j\) for \(H_{0j}\) is estimated by \(b_j\) simulations instead of being known exactly. How can we take the uncertainty of the simulation estimate into account?
Here, we will pretend that the simulation itself is perfect: that the PRNG generates true IID \(U[0,1]\) variables, that pseudo-random integers on \(\{0, 1, \ldots, N\}\) really are equally likely, and that pseudo-random samples or permutations really are equally likely, etc.
The error we are accounting for is not the imperfection of the PRNG or other algorithms, just the uncertainty due to approximating a theoretical probability \(\lambda_j\) by an estimate via (perfect) simulation.
A crude approach: simultaneous one-sided upper confidence bounds for every \(\lambda_j\)¶
Suppose we find, for each \(j\), an upper confidence bound for \(\lambda_j\) (the “true” \(P\)-value in stratum \(j\)), for instance, by inverting binomial tests based on \(\# \{k > 0: T(\pi_k(x_0)) \ge T(x_0) \}\).
Since \(\phi\) is monotonic in every coordinate, the upper confidence confidence bounds for \(\{ \lambda_j \}\) imply a lower confidence bound for \(\phi(\lambda)\), which translates to an upper confidence bound for the combined \(P\)-value.
What is the confidence level of the bound on the combined \(P\)-value? If the \(P\)-value estimates are independent, the joint coverage probability of a set of \(n\) independent confidence bounds with confidence level \(\alpha\) is \(1-(1-\alpha)^n\), as we shall show.
Let \(A_j\) denote the event that the upper confidence bound for \(\lambda_j\) is greater than or equal to \(\lambda_j\), and suppose \(\Pr \{A_j\} = 1-\alpha_j\).
Regardless of the dependence among the events \(\{A_j \}\), the chance that all of the confidence bounds cover their corresponding parameters can be bounded using Bonferroni’s inequality:
If \(\{A_j\}\) are independent,
Both of those expressions tend to get small quickly as \(n\) gets large; bounding \(\phi(\lambda)\) by bounding the components of \(\lambda\) is inefficient.
Let’s look for a different approach.
Dependent tests¶
If \(\{ \lambda_j \}_{j=1}^J\) are dependent, the distribution of \(\phi_F(\lambda)\) is no longer chi-square when the null hypotheses are true. Nonetheless, one can calibrate a test based on Fisher’s combining function (or any other combining function) by simulation. This is commonly used in multivariate permutation tests involving dependent partial tests using “lockstep” permutations.
See, e.g., Pesarin, F. and L. Salmaso, 2010. Permutation Tests for Complex Data: Theory, Applications and Software, Wiley, 978-0-470-51641-6.
We shall illustrate how the approach can be used to construct nonparametric multivariate tests from univariate tests to address for the two-sample problem (i.e., is there evidence that two samples come from different populations, or is it plausible that they are a single population randomly divided into two groups?). This is equivalent to testing whether treatment has an effect in a controlled, randomized study in which the subjects who receive treatment are a simple random sample of the study group, using the Neyman model for causal inference. (The null hypothesis is that treatment makes no difference whatsoever: each subject’s response would be the same whether that subject was assigned to treatment or to control, and without regard for the assignment of other subjects to treatment or control.)
We have \(N\) subjects of whom \(N_t\) are treated and \(N_c\) are controls. Each subject has a vector of \(J\) measurements. For each of these \(J\) “dimensions” we have a test statistic \(T_j\) (for instance, the difference between the mean of the treated and the mean of the controls on that dimension–but we could use something else, and we don’t have to use the same test statistic for different dimensions).
Each \(T_j\) takes the responses of the treated and the controls on dimension \(j\) and yields a number. We will assume that larger values of \(T_j\) are stronger evidence against the null hypothesis that for dimension \(j\) treatment doesn’t make any difference.
Let \(T\) denote the whole \(J\)-vector of test statistics. Let \(t(0)\) denote the observed value of the \(J\)-vector of test statistics for the original data.
Now consider randomly re-labelling \(N_t\) of the \(N\) subjects as treated and the remaining \(N_c\) as controls by simple random sampling, so that all subsets of size \(N_t\) are equally likely to be labeled “treated.” Each re-labelling carries the subject’s entire \(J\)-vector of responses with it: the dimensions are randomized “in lockstep.”
Let \(t(k)\) denote the observed \(J\)-vector of test statistics for the \(k\)th random allocation (i.e., the \(k\)th random permutation). We permute the data \(K\) times in all, each yielding a \(J\)-vector \(t(k)\) of observed values of the test statistics. This gives \(K+1\) permutations in all, including the original data (the zeroth permutation), for which the vector is \(t(0)\). Let \(t_j(k)\) denote the test statistic for dimension \(j\) for the \(k\)th permutation.
We now transform the \(J\) by \((K+1)\) matrix \([t_j(k)]_{j=1}^J{}_{k=0}^K\) to a corresponding matrix of \(P\)-values for the univariate permutation tests.
For \(j=1, \ldots , J\) and \(k = 0, \ldots , K\), define
This is the simulated upper tail probability of the \(k\)th observed value of the \(j\)th test statistic under the null hypothesis.
Think of the values of \(P_j(k)\) as a matrix. Each column corresponds to a random permutation of the original data (the 0th column corresponds to the original data); each row corresponds to a dimension of measurement; each entry is a number between \(1/(K+1)\) and 1.
Now apply Fisher’s combining function \(\phi_F\) (or Tippett’s, or Stouffer’s, or anything else) to each column of \(J\) numbers. That gives \(K+1\) numbers, \(f(k), k=0, \ldots , K\), one for each permutation of the data. The overall “Non-Parametric Combination of tests” (NPC) \(P\)-value is
This is the simulated lower tail probability of the observed value of the combining function under the randomization.
Ultimately, this whole thing is just a univariate permutation test that uses a complicated test statistic \(\phi_F\) that assigns one number to each permutation of the multivariate data.
Also see the permute Python package.
Stratified Permutation Tests¶
Two examples:
Boring, A., K. Ottoboni, and P.B. Stark, 2016. Student Evaluations of Teaching (Mostly) Do Not Measure Teaching Effectiveness, ScienceOpen, doi 10.14293/S2199-1006.1.SOR-EDU.AETBZC.v1
Hessler, M., D.M. Pöpping, H. Hollstein, H. Ohlenburg, P.H. Arnemann, C. Massoth, L.M. Seidel, A. Zarbock & M. Wenk, 2018. Availability of cookies during an academic course session affects evaluation of teaching, Medical Education, 52, 1064–1072. doi 10.1111/medu.13627